New Journaling Tool

I’ve been trying out a new journaling technique for 3 months now called the Bullet Journal. So far it’s working pretty well and if you decide to check it out I would love to hear what you think.

It’s kind of like planner meets notebook with lots of flexibility. It’s more of a technique than another product to buy, although they do offer a journal for sale on the website (no affiliation to me). There is a short video on the website that is a great overview and there are many users who share different ideas on how they use it.

What I like about the bullet journal is its flexibility. You just use a notebook with at least 31 lines. Each month you start out with the same two pages: lay the notebook flat and on the left page you create a 31-day month view to list important events, etc., on the right page you create a list of tasks for that month, which is a running list you can add to. There is a lot more to it and many ways people use it and types of pages that can be created. But I am starting with the basics and adding new techniques for using it as I go. For instance, I started a habit tracker that I can check off each day to reinforce certain daily rituals I want to accomplish.

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